Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Haunted House - Environment

This is an environment project I worked on with two other people. Out of the three of us, I had more experience with Unreal, so the project turned into the three of us creating meshes, and then I would implement most of them into the engine/environment. Everyone contributed equally to the project, however I had a major role in ensuring everything was compatible with the engine and the creation of the terrain, lighting, sound, and layout. There are three small cutscenes in this environment (of which I created two of them), but I am still working to extract those so I can upload them.

Click the link for screenshots.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Parking Garage Environment

This environment was an attempt to create an environment using as few 3D assets as possible. most of the assets are basic shapes created in Maya. The only exception is the bullet-ridden pillar, which was sculpted and painted in Mudbox. The total 3D asset count for this environment was four.

Prototype Level - Autistic Experience Flythrough

This is a flythrough of my Autistic Experience project. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Prototype Level - Autistic Experience

Since January, I have been working in UDK (Unreal Engine 3) creating an experiential level that simulates how an individual on the Autism spectrum experiences the world. I built this level and most of the assets inside it (The sky is Unreal's default mesh with a modified material and the base person mesh was created using Makehuman, an open-source tool for expediting the creation of character models) within this time frame. Planning took place during December and some of January.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Prototype Level - Early Screenshots

These are some early screenshots from the level I am currently working on. All assets except for some textures and the sky mesh were created by me.